The flat was four stories high, strung together by an old wooden spiral staircase that creaked with every step I took. The first floor housed the art studio and miniature theater; the second floor the sculpting studio-and also my makeshift bedroom; the third floor was Julien’s bedroom and office; and on the fourth floor was the kitchen, bathroom, and other three bedrooms.
After reading their profile on CS, I was overwhelmed with excitement to stay in such an artistic environment for three days. Unfortunately, by the time I arrived Monday afternoon, something had happened t
My first full day in Paris I tackled alone. When you only have two full days to spend in Paris, it can be hard to decide what to make time for. But one thing I knew for sure, my first destination would be the Eiffel Tower. After a short walk from the apartment to the Seine River, I could see the Eiffel Tower standing tall and mysterious in the distance. The longer I walked towards the tower, the further it seemed to be away. It took me about an hour to finally reach the park it sat in. But when I did, I was completely awe struck. It was so much bigger up close than I
Soon after, I sat down in the soft grass beneath a small tree near the Eiffel Tower to write in my notebook and read my travel book. After a few nice minutes to myself, I was interrupted by a dark-haired and long-faced man. He introduced himself nervously, and told me that he and his girlfriend were practicing foot massages in the park to prepare for a test they need to pass to get into massage school. He then told me that he “needed” to massage my feet for three minutes, because he has to get eight people in the park to do it before he would be prepared for the exam. I responded by telling him that I don’t let strangers massage my feet, but he didn’t seem to get the idea. He continued to plead with me about the ridiculous massage until I finally said very calmly, “Sir, if you don’t get away from me, I’m going to scream.” He then proceeded to give me a terrified look as he walked off to find another tourist to harass.
After such a strange encounter, I decided to grab a coffee at a nearby café to avoid other strange men approaching me with any more absurd requests. So I said farewell to the Eiffel Tower and walked down Champs-Élysées, the back bone street of Paris, to find a good place to relax. Champs-Élysées is an extremely busy street with plenty to see, always bustling with tourists searching for souvenirs and gifts for their friends back home. By the time I reached the end, I’d forgotten all about the coffee I wanted, and continued on towards the Louvre , snapping photos everywhere I looked.
Once I had reached the Louvre I was losing energy fast, and since it was beginning to drizzle, I decided to call it a day and walk back towards the apartment.
The next day I made plans to meet up with a fellow CouchSurfer named Val to go see Jim Morrison’s grave at Pere LaChaise, one of the most famous cemetaries in the world. Being the resting place of such talents as Oscar Wilde, Frédéric Chopin, Isadora Duncan and of course Jim Morrison, Pere LaChaise is one of the most frequently visited graveyards in the world. I met Val at a nearby metro s
Eventually, the mysterious dead energy of Pere LaChaise was too much to bare, so Val and I retired to the Shakespeare And Company bookstore, where I, of course, had to purchase Hemingway’s “A Moveable Feast”. That was where Val had to leave me, so we said our goodbyes and she walked out the door of the bookstore into the quickly fading sunlight. I could see it was beginning to rain, so I left soon after.
I ended up walking for an hour to get home, stopping at Notre
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